EMAX Skin Rejuvenation

Frequently asked questions regarding emax skin rejuvenation

EMAX treatments are full face, neck, hands or body treatments using intense Pulsed Light and Radiofrequency energy combined in the same pulse. These gentle, no-downtime treatments are used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the face, neck or body. The EMAX procedure has increased in popularity and recognition to the point where it is now one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in North America. Your operator has been fully trained and is well experienced in this revolutionary treatment. The procedure has been featured in Allure, Cosmopolitan, In Style, Vogue, USA today and numerous national and regional television shows including Good Medicine in Australia.  Many Hollywood stars and TV personalities rave about the EMAX and credit this procedure for the renewed health and vitality in their skin. The EMAX is the next generation in high-tech skin enhancement.

Who is a good candidate for the EMAX treatments?

EMAX treatments are beneficial in the treatment of the following cosmetic skin concerns for the face and body.
1. Rosacea, flushing, redness, ruddy complexion, broken capillaries, and spider veins of the face. All these “Pink” vascular based conditions of the skin improve on average between 50-75% with EMAX treatments.
2. Sun spot, age spots, hyper-pigmentation, melasma, chloasma, mask of pregnancy, multiple freckles. All these “Brown”, melanin based conditions of the skin improve, on average, 50-75% with EMAX treatments.
3. Chronic sun damage and photo ageing improves by 50-75% with EMA X treatments.
4. Sun damage and ageing signs of the hands, neck (poikiloderma) and chest skin can be improved by 50-75% with EMAX treatments.
5. Wrinkles and skin laxity. Unlike other more basic forms of photo-rejuvenation, the EMAX, with its synergy of simultaneous Intense Pulsed Light and powerful Radiofrequency energy produces industry leading non-ablative wrinkle and skin laxity improvements of up to 70% without downtime; a claim that no other device or procedure has been able to boast.

How does the EMAX rejuvenate my skin?

The EMAX uses gentle light and electric energies to restore skin to a more youthful state.  Brown spots (pigmented imperfections) from sun damage and aging, red blotchiness from spider vessels or rosacea (vascular imperfections), and rough skin texture will improve over a treatment series.

Is treatment with the EMAX safe?

Treatment is very safe for the skin.  There are many advances in theEMAX technology that make it unparalleled for skin safety, without compromising effectiveness for treatment. There are no long-term health hazards from light or electric energies used in the EMAX.  Both have been used for decades in medicine, surgery, and aesthetics without adversity.

What kind of results can I expect from EMAX treatment?

The degree of improvement can vary but averages 50 – 75% improvement in anything that is pink and vascular or brown and melanin in nature. The improvement in fine to moderate wrinkles, acne scarring, skin texture irregularities, laxity and smoothness is 50 – 75%. Each EMAX treatment will result in gradual lightening and improvement of pigmented and vascular imperfections. Textural improvements are appreciated towards the end of the treatment series.

How frequently do I need treatments?

Treatments are repeated every month for a total of 5 treatments.

How are the EMAX treatments performed?

The EMAX treatments are simple office based treatments. After cleaning the skin the client is covered with a thin layer of cooling gel and the entire face, chest, hands or arms are treated with a gentle pulse of light and Radiofrequency energy. Each treatment takes about 30 minutes and involves pulses of bright visible light and Radiofrequency energy that are passed into the skin. Because each EMAX treatment is gentle, most patients require 5 or 6 EMAX treatments to see the desired results and they are performed every 2-4 weeks. In certain skin types, a microdermabrasion or natural skin peel is performed between EMAX treatments to enhance the penetration of the light and Radiofrequency energy.

Does the treatment hurt?

The sensation is often described as “hot pinch”, or “snapping” feeling. The sensation only lasts for fraction of a second, and you may feel warmth or tingling sensation for a short time afterward.  Most clients tolerate treatment without topical anaesthetic, or the use of cooling agents, which are available if you prefer.

What happens after each treatment?

Temporary pinkness in the skin lasts a very short time, and most clients return to work or normal activities immediately after treatment.  You can apply makeup straight after each treatment. The improvement in pigmented and vascular irregularities can often be appreciated by the time you return for your next treatment a month later.  Brown spots temporarily go darker before they lighten.

How long will the results last?

At the completion of the EMAX program of 5 treatments, the skin will have achieved a noticeable and consistent degree of improvement that the majority of patients are very happy with. Occasionally, some patients desire an even greater degree of improvement and these patients will sign up for additional procedures. Most EMAX patients will just desire to maintain the nice skin enhancements they achieved from the program and, for these satisfied patients, a single maintenance EMAX treatment is recommended every 4 months to keep the skin looking vital, even, smooth and youthful. Check out www.fotofacialrf.com.