Doctor’s Data Urine Toxic & Essential Elements Test Kit


Urine Toxic & Essential Elements

Urine Elements are traditionally used to evaluate exposure to potentially toxic elements and wasting of nutrient elements. Additionally, the comparison of urine element concentrations before and after administration of a chelator can be used to estimate the net retention of potentially toxic elements. Subsequent urine element analyses, also following the administration of a chelator, are useful for monitoring the efficacy of metal detoxification therapy. Results are expressed per 24 hours or creatinine corrected to account for urine dilution effects.

This test is useful for

  • Toxic Element Exposure
  • Alopecia
  • Bone Density
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Depression
  • Dermatitis or Poor Wound Healing
  • Detoxifiction Therapy
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms
  • Hypertension
  • Immune Function
  • Impaired Glucose Tolerance
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Parkinson’s-like Symptoms

Detailed Information

Analysis of the levels of toxic metals in urine after the administration of a metal detoxification agent is an objective way to evaluate the accumulation of toxic metals. Acute metal poisoning is rare. More common, however, is a chronic, low-level exposure to toxic metals that can result in significant retention in the body that can be associated with a vast array of adverse health effects and chronic disease.

One cannot draw valid conclusions about adverse health effects of metals without assessing net retention. For an individual, toxicity occurs when net retention exceeds physiological tolerance. Net retention is determined by the difference between the rates of assimilation and excretion of metals. To evaluate net retention, one compares the levels of metals in urine before and after the administration of a pharmaceutical metal detoxification agent such as EDTA, DMSA or DMPS. Different compounds have different affinities for specific metals, but all function by sequestering “hidden” metals from deep tissue stores and mobilizing the metals to the kidneys for excretion in the urine.

It is important to perform both pre- and post-provocation urinalysis to permit distinction between ongoing exposures to metals (pre-) and net bodily retention. The pre-provocation urine collection can also be utilized to assess the rate of creatinine clearance if a serum specimen is also submitted.

Many clinicians also request the analysis of essential elements in urine specimens to evaluate nutritional status and the efficacy of mineral supplementation during metal detoxification therapy. Metal detoxification agents can significantly increase the excretion of specific nutrient elements such as zinc, copper, manganese and molybdenum.

Chromium metabolism authorities suggest that 24-hour chromium excretion likely provides the best assessment of chromium status. Early indication of renal dysfunction can be gleaned from urinary wasting of essential elements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium in an unprovoked specimen.

Variability in urine volume can drastically affect the concentration of elements. To compensate for urine dilution variation, elements are expressed per unit creatinine for timed collections. For 24-hour collections, elements are reported as both units per 24 hours and units per creatinine.

Urine Toxic Metals- Provocative challenge

Before doing this heavy metals test you must have a brief 10-15min appointment with Dr Tracy Chandler as you will need to be prescribed the DSMA capsule which is to be taken when doing this test.
(Wellness charges apply)

Turnaround Time

3-4 weeks

View sample report

***Please note this does not include the interpretation of your results. You will need to make an appointment with one of our practitioners to discuss your results.

Return Policies

• Return policy for a refund is 90 days from the date of purchase.

• The kit must be returned to Dr Wellness before any refunds can be issued.

• Shipping fees are non-refundable.

• There is a $50 restocking fee.

• Credit card refunds can take up to 30 days to be processed.

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